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New Patient

Information and Forms

We welcome people to experience health care from a different point of view. No matter your current health concerns or status, we can

achieve more in partnership helping you to activate your inner healing response to improve your function and performance naturally. Our purpose is to perform care together using the highest ethics, integrity, and professional standards, never ceasing to improve at every level.


If this is your first visit to Park County Chiropractic, the first step in this process is completing the New Patient Intake Form, which can be done in the comfort of your home by clicking on the link for this form from the New Patient Forms area below


If you need to make an appointment call, 406.222.9373 and speak with reception. They will help find a day and time for an appointment that fits into your schedule.


For your first visit, we ask the following:


  • Arrive on time. This ensures enough time to address your concerns, preform an examination, and evaluate the problem, and if appropriate, provide treatment. So that the highest quality care is given to you, we reserve the right to reschedule the appointment if you are more than 15 minutes late.

  • When applicable, please bring copies of previous tests like X-rays or MRI reports, blood work, hormone panels, etc.

  • Wear comfortable and loose clothing as your care might require some active movement. Dr Dobelbower may need access to your shoulders, knees, neck, etc. If the appointment is for an infant, dress them in an easy-to-remove onesie or outfit.

  • Come focused on health and recovery and our journey together. We request that you turn off your phone ringer, bring questions to your appointment, and be ready to talk honestly with Dr Dobelbower about your overall health.  


We look forward to being your partner in health!


New Patient Forms

To Contact us or set up an appointment:

Contact Us

Stephen Y Dobelbower, DC, DACBN

406.222.9373 ph

406.222.4441 fax

1201 US Hwy 10 W Ste A1

Livingston, MT  59047


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Monday: By special appointment

Tuesday: 8:00am - 2:00pm

Wednesday: 12:00pm - 7:00pm 

Thursday: 12:00pm - 7:00pm

Friday: 8:00am - 2:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am - 2:00pm

Other hours by special appointment


Tell Us

Thank you. We will get back to you soon.

Located at the Point Del-Mar
Park County Chiropractic exterior

Clinic Hours

Visit Us

© 2017 Partnership for Health and Wellness, Inc. 

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